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Course/Educational Activity

Not at all likely

1. How likely is it that you would recommend this specific course to another colleague/co-worker/healthcare provider?1. How likely is it that you would recommend this specific course to another colleague/co-worker/healthcare provider?

Very likely

Not effective at all

2. How effective was your instructor at teaching?2. How effective was your instructor at teaching?

Extremely effective

Not helpful for 

Substance Use Disorders

3. How well does this help you work with Substance Use Disorders specifically?3. How well does this help you work with Substance Use Disorders specifically?

Extremely helpful for Substance Use Disorders

Not met at all

4. How well did this course meet the learning objectives overall?4. How well did this course meet the learning objectives overall?

Successfully met

Not met at all

5. How successful were all learning objectives?5. How successful were all learning objectives?

Successfully met

8. How much did you enjoy the topic of this course?8. How much did you enjoy the topic of this course?

Not met at all

Successfully met

9. Would you recommend this instructor?

Thanks for submitting!

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